Waste Strategy for Essex
What is a waste strategy and why do we need one?
The new joint Waste Strategy for Essex covers the period 2024 to 2054. It brings a new focus on how we will deliver an effective and efficient waste service. In line with national policy and legislation, this strategy sets out our approach to reducing the impact that waste has on climate change. Our strategy is research based and sets out the reasons for our approach, the principles of what we will do and the targets we will strive to meet.

Download the Waste Strategy for Essex in the table below to read the document in full.
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The Essex Waste Partnership
Read more about the Essex Waste Partnership
Vision statement and approach
Find out more about our vision and approach
Targets and ambitions
View the targets and ambitions in the Waste Strategy for Essex
Waste Hierarchy
Find out more about the waste hierarchy
Circular Economy
Learn more about the circular economy
Waste Glossary
Find definitions of waste-related terms and phrasesNext steps

Action plan
We will be publishing our action plan here in due course. Please keep checking back for updates.

Progress updates
We want you to hold us to account. This is why we have committed to publish our progress to keep you up to date. Please keep checking back for updates.

What we are doing
Find out more about how we are reducing waste in EssexThe journey of recycling and waste in Essex
Find out more about our current recycling performance in Essex, and what happens to the waste and recycling collected from the kerbside and at recycling centres.